Present Simple


Remember: in the present simple, we add an S to verbs  in an affirmative sentence that is in third person. When the verb ends with consonant + y, the ending becomes- ies
example: He flies to Canada.


We use the present simple in the following cases:
  • To talk about habit and work routines 
  1. I get up early in the morning.
  2. She leaves for the office at 7:00 
  3. You study english in the evening 
  • To talk about facts and things that are generally true
  1. The sun rises in the morning everyday 
  2. It rains and it snows a lot in winter
  3. The train arrives to station everyday at 6:00
  • With verbs that describe permanent states.
  1. She likes swimmning in summer
  2. He lives in a little town in the west of canada
  3. I have a beautiful dog
  • To give instructions/directions 
  1. First, you boil some water and then you add the noodles and cook them for three minutes
  2. First, you  open book in the page 28, then you do the exercises
  3. when you exit the restaurant on the corner of it, is there any bus station? 

We often use the present simple with adverbs and expressions of frecuency

For example: 
  1. He usually arrives to office on time
  2. My boss is rarely friendly 
  3. I never go to the gym

Note: Adverbs of frecuency usually go before the main verb, but after the verb to be. Sometimes, we uses these  to begin of a sentence.

To ask about frecuency with which you do an activity, we use how often. 
For example: How often does she travel to Germany?


We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). We often refer to them as WH words because they include the letters WH.


To practice pronunciation and structure: 

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